Young Living Oils

Young Living Oils are medicinal oils that have been used for ages and were man’s first healing substances.  Young Living is a company that is committed to producing the best organic low temperature processed medicinal oils that can be used to help heal the body of numerous conditions.   I invite you to visit the website, or google Young Living Oils to read more and see all the testimonies from people who have used these oils to heal just about every condition.  I’ll be posting more articles on these oils as time goes one but I use these in my practice along with other modalities but personally find these oils of supreme quality.  If you are interested in ordering any oils, my distributor number is 64086 and you will be asked for this reference number.  I have used the oils to heal rashes such as Shingles, candida, stress, pain, insomnia, protection from viruses and bacterias, dissolving fatty lipomas, cysts and tumors along with much more.   These oils have biblical references and are mentioned in the bible some of which were  brought to Jesus by the three wise men.  Thieves is another amazing oil blend that everyone should have in their home, so if you do wish to order these I’d invite you to get the basic kit and make sure that Thieves in included with that particular kit as it has over 100 uses.

I’m always amazed at the incredible healing properties that nature provides.   You can access more testimonials at

About wendy

Wendy Rudell has spent the last 35 years living a very healthy lifestyle and pursuing her interest in all the healing arts.
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